Afarak Group Oyj (vuoteen 2013 Ruukki Group Oyj) on suomalainen yritys, joka on erikoistunut kaivos- ja mineraalien jalostamiseen. Mineraaliliiketoiminnot sijaitsevat Maltalla, Turkissa, Etelä-Afrikassa ja Saksassa. Afarak Group on noteerattu Nasdaq OMX Helsingissä (AFAGR) ja Lontoon pörssissä (AFRK) vuodesta 2010 alkaen. Yhtiön GICS -toimialaluokitus on Muu metalliteollisuus ja
Investor centre. Shareholder information; ESG and Sustainability; Financial results and operational reviews; Investor presentations and briefings; Consensus estimates; BHP Live; Debt investors; Petroleum Owner Relations; Upcoming events; Key contacts; Annual Reporting 2020; Media and insights. News; Reports and presentations; Gallery; Prospects
Gilla (2) Följ tråd Kommentarer (7) Dölj Antipa Minerals Limited · Antipodes Global Investment Company Limited · Antipodes Global Shares (Quoted Managed Fund) · Antisense Therapeutics Limited De finansiella mål för 2020 och 2022 som presenterades på Investor Update i oktober 2019 kvarstår. E-post: Kristina Ekeblad, Investor relations manager. Telefon: +46 708 31 19 40, E-post: Henrik Brehmer, SVP Group 10-02, AAK AB: AAK appoints Gabriella Grotte as Head of Investor Relations and Corporate Communications.
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Feb 25, 2021. Afarak Group Plc: HELSINKI ADMINISTRATIVE COURT DID afarak group plc's publishes financial statements and annual report for 1 january - 31 december 2019: 24 mar 2020: 7:59 am: gnw. afarak group: measures to combat covid-19 epidemic: 09 mar 2020: 11:22 am: gnw. afarak group: notification of managers’ transactions: 05 mar 2020: 2:00 pm: gnw. Köp aktien Afarak Group Plc (AFAGR).
Printed information is distributed by post on request.
Afarak Group Plc Guy Konsbruck, CEO, +356 2122 1566, Financial reports and other investor information are available on the Company's website: .
16:00 London, 18:00 Helsinki, August 23, 2019 - Afarak Group Plc ("Afarak" or "the Company") AFARAK GROUP: INTERIM REPORT Q2/2019 DIFFICULT ECONOMIC CIRCUMST 2020-08-21 · 08:30 London, 10:30 Helsinki, 21 August 2020 - Afarak Group Plc ("Afarak" or "the Company") (LSE: AFRK, NASDAQ: AFAGR) FINANCIAL INTERIM RELEASE H1 2020 Afarak Mogale (Pty) Ltd and Afarak South Africa (Pty) Ltd being placed into business rescue does not and will not affect the remaining mining assets and businesses held by the Afarak Group. It is envisaged that Afarak Mogale (Pty) Ltd and Afarak South Africa (Pty) Ltd will continue operating during the business rescue and furnace P1 is expected to be back in production as of Mid-May 2020. Keskustelufoorumi - Seuraa keskustelua Sharevillen kommentoiduimmista Afarak Group Plc. Afarak Group plc
At AmBank Group, conducting an effective two-way communication is essential in maintaining good relations with our key stakeholders. The purpose of Investor Relations and our website is to ensure that correct and adequate information about AmBank Group is made available to all our shareholders, investment community, regulators, and rating agencies simultaneously, regularly and consistently.
Find historic financial information about the SEB Group. Investor Relations. Här finner du information om bolagsstyrning, rapporter, pressreleaser och aktiekurs för att bedöma NGS-aktien. Tveka inte att kontakta oss om du saknar någon information eller har några frågor.
The key principles of Afarak’s external communications, and specifically its investor relations, are: timely, accurate and complete disclosure of material information to shareholders, the investment community, media and the general public that is widely and simultaneously disseminated on both its listed stock exchanges in a consistent and appropriate manner. Afarak Group PLC (LON:AFRK) Share Price and News.
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Information on stock, financials, earnings, subsidiaries, investors, and executives for Afarak Group. Use the PitchBook Platform to explore the full profile.
57 922 Afarak Group. 17 364.